Drive Growth and Margin

How to build on strategy to deliver market leading growth and profit.

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Michael Porter makes it clear that strategy has to be set in the context of understanding your competitor’s marketplace strength and capabilities – and execution has to be planned in a way that beats the opposition. Great Competitor Intelligence is key. But it's often not within the DNA of organisations so is overlooked. Connect with us to learn how to build this critical capability that will deliver both you and your business success.

Benefit from Mike Shepherd’s experience of building Unilever’s world leading Competitor Intelligence group, a capability that delivered a significant part of all Unilever’s growth over the period he led the group, and from his experience of running Unilever’s strategy group when Unilever delivered market beating TSR.

"Mike's group was critical to our success."

President of Unilever BU.

"Mike knows more about our competitors than I did when I worked there".

Former Unilever CEO.

"Mike is in a class of his own. The best CI professional I know. "

Senior IBM Executive.

"Mike helped turn our business around".

Unilever Country MD.