Competitor Intelligence

To build a winning strategy you need an in-depth understanding of your competitor’s capabilities, resources, focus and executional approach. Successful execution depends on you being able to predict what the competitor will throw at you. In the words of Sun Tzu: "Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. If you know yourself but not your enemy for every victory, you will suffer a defeat." Unleash outstanding growth and profit with Competitor Intelligence.

The key question then is how should Competitor Intelligence be organised and run, and how much resource to place behind it. Relying on "it's everyone's responsibility" is a recipe for disaster!

The keys to developing an effective CI capability are to: generate demand for CI; focus on the big ticket items; deploy effective tools to drive growth and margin; publicise its success. To do this you need to:

1) set guardrails for ensuring delivery within the organisations Code of Business Practice.

2) identify the key opponents – then “know your competitor better than they know themselves”

3) align CI resource to deliver the corporate goals

4) have the key data sources needed to deliver CI, deploy the right tools, and embed CI in key processes

5) generate the desire for outstanding CI - publicising success and importantly training your employees

Mike can help you structure this critical capability, advise you on what data sources you need and what tools you should deploy, show you how to embed CI within your organisation and processes to deliver strategic advantage and train your people - so you achieve outstanding results. Contact us now.